Monday, October 8, 2012

Moving forward...

Its been tough. I've had to put the third Gen-Eg book on hold to work on two other projects. One of which is The Fed which I published last week. I am very satisfied with that book and now I can focus on the second Smashed Infants book (which is way over due). And then finish the Gen-Eg draft. I really enjoy working on my creations, but it does take a long time to complete each (one man operation here). For those going to the NYCC this week I will have a table in the small press area. Please stop by and say hello. It should be a great time. Thanks for your support!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Its been awhile since I updated this blog...its just not something I am used to. I've been busy, a new house, new attitude at work, and trying to get two projects back on track (they have been neglected because of the move.) The third Gen-Eg book is well underway, and I plan on it being available before this years' NYCC. Which brings up another thing. The Great time I had at the first annual Asbury Park Con. I would like to thank Cliff and all the guys from South Jersey for throwing the event. I met a lot of hopefully new fans and even sold some books. It was a great time had by all. The next up is another con in Asbury Park, I heard it will be Sept 29th but nothing is confirmed yet. I am also going to be at the NYCC as I mentioned before. The show itself over shadows the small unknown artists like myself but after doing it the last two years I could not pass it up. So if you are planning to go to this monster event please look me up in the small press area. Keep checking here or on Facebook for more events and changes coming up. Thanks.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New interview!

I just happen to have this opportunity drop into my lap. Please check out this website, its pretty cool!