Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NYComic Con!

Its official, I will be at the 2010 NY Comic Con! My company (Its a one man operation) will be in the small press area of the Javis Center. Whoever reads this, if you go to the Con, please stop by and say hello! You might win a Original Smashed Infants or Warmachine T-Shirt!

On the business side, this is a costly adventure, the cost of the table, t-shirts, copies of both books, and a banner + parking. For those thinking about self publishing, or something, I look at it like this. Where else am I going to have a chance to face 80,000 new customers. "Just do it!" Doesn't just apply to Nike. It should apply to you. Take a chance, don't just wait for a opportunity to come to you. You make it happen. That's what I've been doing different this year. In January I wanted this year to be different from every other year. So I'm taking a chance! So should you!

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