Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NYComic Con!

Its official, I will be at the 2010 NY Comic Con! My company (Its a one man operation) will be in the small press area of the Javis Center. Whoever reads this, if you go to the Con, please stop by and say hello! You might win a Original Smashed Infants or Warmachine T-Shirt!

On the business side, this is a costly adventure, the cost of the table, t-shirts, copies of both books, and a banner + parking. For those thinking about self publishing, or something, I look at it like this. Where else am I going to have a chance to face 80,000 new customers. "Just do it!" Doesn't just apply to Nike. It should apply to you. Take a chance, don't just wait for a opportunity to come to you. You make it happen. That's what I've been doing different this year. In January I wanted this year to be different from every other year. So I'm taking a chance! So should you!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


The campaign continues, I have created ads in Facebook, posted links on DeviantArt, and created a half assed website. Everything is linked to each other. All to drive people to the Amazon book pages. I don't know what kind of response I was expecting, I don't know if I'm doing about what is expected or that I'm being unrealistic. I've sold some books, more Warmachine than Infants, which is surprising since Infants generally gets more views. There was a great customer review of the Infants, which I'm sure will help. I guess I really need feedback. I've been too close to this project for so long that I don't know if its any good or not. On that note I'm having fun writing the follow up book to Warmachine. Noway near finished or even a complete draft yet but its slowly coming together. I also joined another review site and hopefully they will be kind and favorable with their reviews. Its a very slow, but cool process. I've never been this far into my dream before...